- Adrenal cortex (90% gland wt):
- Zona Glomerulosa: Aldosterone
- Zona Fasciculata: Cortisol
- Zona Reticularis: Testosterone and estradiol production from cholesterol
- Adrenal medulla: Catecholamines
- Located on upper poles of both kidneys (Image 1,2):
Image 1. Located on upper poles of both kidneys
Image 2. Located on upper poles of both kidneys
Diurnal Cycle of Release
- ACTH peaks midnight to 2 AM
- Cortisol peaks at 6-8 AM
- Varies with sleep cycle:
- Night shift workers
- Consider consequence of multiple shift or changing shift workers
Stress Related Cortisol Increase
- Surgery
- Trauma
- Sepsis
- Hypoglycemia
- Mediators:
- CNS release of CRF
- Cytokines: IL-1, IL-2, IL-6, TNF, platelet aggregating factor
Glucocorticoid Actions
- Decrease inflammatory response:
- Inhibit phospholipase A2 → ↓ production of arachidonic acid → indirect inhibition of both prostaglandins and leukotrienes.
- Inhibit activity of T lymphocytes (especially TH2)
- Suppress IL-1, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5; ↓ chemotraction of eosinophils and macrophages
- Vasoconstrict, ↓ edema, ↓ fever
- Stabilize neutrophilic (granulocyte) lysosomes to ↓ lysosomal enzyme release
White Blood Cell Effects
- Increase neutrophils without “shift to left”:
- Demargination (↓ adherence to vascular endothelium)
- ↓ neutrophil egress from intravascular space
- Stimulate marrow release of mature WBCs (not immature band cells as in infection)
- Decrease lymphocytes, eosinophils, and basophils:
- Decrease B and T lymphocyte function
- Basis for role in treatment of lymphomas and lymphocytic leukemia
Other Glucocorticoid effects
- ↓ protein synthesis and protein movement out of vessels
- ↑ Gluconeogenesis (hyperglycemia)
- Fat Redistribution: suppress lipolysis and lipogenesis via insulin inhibition.
- ↑ beta adrenergic responses (note value in asthma)
Mineralocorticoid actions
- Sodium retention
- Potassium loss
Clinical Use of Corticosteroids
- Goal of treatment: symptomatic, not curative:
- Topical or oral: contact dermatitis or allergic rxn
- Allergic rhinitis and asthma
- Arthritis
- Psoriasis
- Autoimmune (lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica, non-viral hepatitis)
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Lymphoma, leukemia
- Transplant surgery: post-op/maintenance, rejection prevention
- Prophylaxis of “dry socket” with dental surgery
- Brain and spinal cord tumors (“cerebral edema)
- PCP infection in AIDS patients, ARDS, sepsis
- Hypercalcemiamultiple myeloma, bone mets, sarcoid
Choice of Agent
- Relative glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid potency (see table)
- Relative duration of action: Not correlated to half life
- Organ specificity
- Methylprednisolone in asthma
- Dexamethasone for cerebral edema
- Lack of systemic absorption if topical
- Consider skin thickness, surface area to be covered
- Also nasal and pulmonary inhalation applications
- Cost
- Who sponsored the original clinical trials
- Dexamethasone for cerebral edema
- Methylprednisolone in asthma, sepsis
Relative potencies
Name Eqivalnt dose Antiinflam Na retention Duration Cortisol 20-25 mg 1 2+ 8-12 hr Pred 5 mg 3.5 1+ 18-36 hr Methyl pred 4 mg 5 0.5+ 18-36 hr Dexa 0.75 mg 30 0 36-54 hr Fludro 125 Dosing
- Acute:
- Moderate to high dose for rapid resolution of symptoms; high dose “bursts” x 7-14 days
- E.g., 60-80 mg prednisone or equivalent “burst therapy” for asthma in ER
- 60-120 mg methylprednisolone QID for hospitalized patient
- 4 mg QID dexamethasone for brain tumor
- Chronic (maintenance):
- Minimum dose for shortest duration possible. Prefer to avoid all together.
- Morning doses preferred
- Every other day in some cases (next slide)
Every other day dosing
- Theory: use drug that works 36 hours (prednisone, methylprednisolone) every other day to allow HPA to function every other night:
- Fewer side effect and HPA suppression possible
- Concern over loss of therapeutic effect on evening of day 2
- E.g. 10 mg QD slowly converted to 20 mg QOD
Tapering Principles
- Less than 10-14 days, with no prior exposure:
- Rapid taper acceptable, even with high doses
- Major considerations are disease exacerbation, mild flu like symptoms, mild depression
- Longer term exposure, even with low doses:
- Slow taper mandatory, especially as approach physiologic dose equivalent.
- Physiologic withdrawal effects may be observed (see next slide)
- Short term exposure to high doses in patient with chronic use of high doses:
- Rapid taper from high dose may be acceptable, but do not go below the chronic dose
- E.g. patient on 10 mg prednisone per day for 3 months. Physiologic for this person is 10 mg. Then even slower taper if trying to remove drug entirely.
Physiologic Withdrawal Signs
- Time and dose dependent.
- Unlikely if duration less than 10-14 days
- Avoid night time doses if >5-7 days
- CNS depression
- Flu-like symptoms
- Muscle and joint pain
- Tremor
- Hypotension (not necessarily hyponatremic)
- Hyperkalemia, arrhythmias
Physiologic Withdrawal Signs
- Takes 7-14 days, even with very high doses to suppress pituitary ACTH release and adrenal cortisol release.
- With prolonged dosing (>30 days?) HPA suppression is evident, but dose dependent.
- 9-12 months to fully restore HPA axis after slow withdrawal and complete removal.
- Pituitary response recovers before adrenal gland
- May need to cover with prednisone bursts during times of stress after complete withdrawal.
Example tapering dose
- Methylprednisolone 60 mg IV QID x 3 days
- Day 4: change to prednisone 60-80 mg/ day
- QD or split into 2-3 doses?
- Compare to physiologic dose of 5 mg prednisone or 4 mg methylprednisolone
- Then 60 mg x 3 days, 40 mg x 3 days, 30 mg x 3 days, 20 mg x 3 days, 15 mg x 3 days, 10 mg x 5 days, 5 mg x 5 days, 2.5 mg x 5 days, then stop
- Increase dose or slow taper rate if symptoms worsen
- What if patient was taking 10 mg per day at home before exacerbation?
- What if patient is using inhaled steroids?
Another example
- Steroid naive patient receives 80 mg of prednisone in the emergency room
- Should IV drug have been used instead of oral?
- Assuming the symptoms resolve over 4 hours, why does the patient need a prednisone prescription for outpatient use?
- How long should treatment continue?
- Should the dose be tapered?
- E.g 20 mg qd x 7-14 days without taper
- E.g. 40 mg x 2-3 days, 30 mg x 2-3 days, 20 mg x 23 days, 10 mg x 2-3days, 5 mg x 2-3 days
Acute side effects
- Dose dependent, low risk
- Endocrine: hyperglycemia. Diabetic?
- Elevated white count: demargination vs. infection
- GI: Bleeding, “stress ulcers”
- mucous production, local vasoconstriction
- Na retention (caution re edema, HTN, CHF)
- Hypokalemia, metabolic acidosis
- Jitteriness, euphoria, confusion (steroid psychosis)
Longer term side effects
- Continuation of short term side effects
- HPA axis suppression after 2 weeks
- Cushingoid features: fat redistribution to face and back, striae
- Muscle weakness, myopathy, protein wasting
- Thinning of skin, capillary fragility with petechiae, bruising, acne
- Osteoporosis in adults with compression fractures; aseptic necrosis of hip, growth retardation in children
- Cataracts, glaucoma
- Decreased immune response; TB activation, poor wound healing
Buffalo Hump: Accumulation of fat on back of neck and upper back
Moon Facies: fat deposition in face
Central obesity and striae
Striae (stretch marks)
Drug Interactions
- Steroids increase aspirin clearance. Risk of ASA toxicity when steroids stopped.
- Barbiturates, phenytoin, rifampin increase steroid clearance/ metabolism
- Cimetidine: decreased steroid metabolism?
- Ketoconazole: decreased cortisol production
- Hypoglycemics: steroid induced glucose increase
- Additive hypokalemia to potassium wasting diuretics
- Additive ulcerogenic property to NSAIDS?