Reynolds 2005 no correlation.

There were no associations between plasma cortisol concentrations post dexamethasone and basal bone density or rate of bone loss at the proximal femur or lumbar spine in either men or women. CBG was neither associated with bone density at any site nor was it associated with bone loss rate (data not shown). Furthermore, there were no associations between cortisol measurements and bone strength at any site in both men and women. In men, there were no associations between urinary total cortisol metabolite excretion and basal HMD or rate of bone loss at any site, In women, lower urinary total cortisol metabolite excretion tended to be associated with lower basal BMD at the lumbar spine (r = 0.22, P = 0.05; r = 0.12, P = 0.31 after adjustment), but there were no associations between urinary total cortisol metabolite excretion and bone loss at any site.

Psychoneuroendocrine Influences on Immunocompétence and Neoplasia - Verrou Riley.

"Stress" is a widely used term for describing emotional and biological responses to novel or threatening situations. There is, thus, an extensive variety of experimental or other circumstances in which “stress" serves as a convenient word to express complex and incompletely understood psychological and physiological phenomena (1-3).

In studies at this laboratory, we use the term “stress” in a more restricted experimental sense to relate specific stress-inducing stimuli, or stressors, to their physiological consequences. The latter include specific biochemical, cellular, and tissue alterations that are associated with an emotional activation of the adrenal cortex by way of the pituitary and its secretion of the pituitary and its secretion of adrecorticotropic hormone (4, 5). Within the biological systems that we have used, several key parameters characterize the physiological manifestations of stress, and relate to pathological snd other changes that may be observed in stressed extrimental anmeasured with precision the most conspicuous, and what appears to be the most relevant, of the biochemical substance elaborated by this organ in response to anxiety, namely, corticosterone. Immediately after an animal is subjected to an emotional stimulus, or perceives a situation that generates anxiety, the adrenal cortex in response to signals from the hypothalamus, via the pituitary, produces increased quantities of corticosterone. The rapidity of the appearance of corticosterone in the plasma can be readily measured by appropriate microassay techniques (6-8).