General Questions

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Do you recommend a progesterone pellet?
No. P4 pellets just have not worked. Dose is too low.
Fri, 16 Dec, 2016 at 9:37 AM
Breast tumor aromatase: functional role and transcriptional regulation
S Chen, D Zhou, T Okubo, Y-C Kao and C Yang Division of Immunology, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, California 91010, USA...
Wed, 4 May, 2016 at 6:29 AM
Pt Diagnosed with ductal carcinoma of breast 2 1/2 years ago & on tamoxifen; Pt requesting testosterone pellets. Thoughts?
Testosterone Pellets with ductal carcinoma of the breast are a good option. Dose as usual. 
Tue, 20 Dec, 2016 at 12:04 PM
Aromatase Inhibitors in Breast Cancer
Ian E. Smith, M.D., and Mitch Dowsett, Ph.D. The third-generation aromatase inhibitors provide novel approaches to the endocrine treatment o...
Wed, 4 May, 2016 at 6:34 AM
Androgens and mammary growth and neoplasia
Constantine Dimitrakakis, M.D., Jian Zhou, M.D., and Carolyn A. Bondy, M.D. Developmental Endocrinology Branch, National Institute of Child...
Wed, 27 Apr, 2016 at 3:03 PM
Hormonal Modulation in the Treatment of Breast Cancer
Kerin Adelson, MDa,*, Doris Germain, PhDb, George Raptis, MD, MBAa, Noa Biran, MDc Disclosures: Dr Adelson has worked as a consultant for GTx ph...
Wed, 4 May, 2016 at 6:33 AM
Breast cancer: from estrogen to androgen receptor
S. Ando` b, F. De Amicis a, V. Rago a, A. Carpino b, M. Maggiolini a, M.L. Panno b, M. Lanzino a,* a Department of Pharmacobiology, University...
Wed, 4 May, 2016 at 6:34 AM
What Are the Key Statistics for Breast Cancer?
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. Thechance of developing invasive breast cancer at some time ...
Wed, 25 May, 2016 at 12:42 AM
Relationship between the results of in vitro receptor binding assay to human estrogen receptor α and in vivo uterotrophic assay: Comparative study with 65 selected chemicals
Yumi Akahoria,b,*, Makoto Nakaib, Kanji Yamasakic, Mineo Takatsukib, Yasuyuki Shimohigashid, Masahiro Ohtakia  ...
Fri, 27 May, 2016 at 3:24 PM
Serum Testosterone Levels and Breast Cancer Recurrence
Franco Berrino1*, Patrizia Pasanisi1, Cristina Bellati1, Elisabetta Venturelli1, Vittorio Krogh1, Antonio Mastroianni2, Edoardo Berselli3, Paola ...
Fri, 27 May, 2016 at 3:14 PM