Breast Cancer & Hormones

Sex Hormones, Risk Factors, and Risk of Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer in Older Women: A Long-term Prospective Study
Steven R. Cummings,1 Jennifer S. Lee,1 Li-Yung Lui,1 Katie Stone,1 Britt Marie Ljung,2 Jane A. Cauleys,3 and for the Study of Osteoporotic Fract...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 10:25 AM
Urinary Phytoestrogen Excretion and Breast Cancer Risk: Evaluating Potential Effect Modifiers Endogenous Estrogens and Anthropometries [1,2]
Qi Dai, Adrian A. Franke, Herbert Yu, Xiao-ou Shu, Fan Jin, James R. Hebert, Laurie J. Custer, Yu-Tang Gao, and Wei Zheng 2. Dep...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 10:30 AM
The association of plasma androgen levels with breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer risk factors among postmenopausal women
Kim N. Danforth 1, A. Heather Eliassen 1,2, Shelley S. Tworoger 1,2, Stacey A. Missmer 1,2,3 Bernard A. Rosner 1,4, Graham A. Colditz5, Susan E....
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 10:36 AM
Additive inhibitory effects of an androgen and the antiestrogen EM-170 on estradiol-stimulated growth of human ZR-75-1 breast tumors in athymic mice
S Dauvois, CS Geng, C Levesque, Y Merand and F Labrie Medical Research Council Group in Molecular Endocrinology, CHUL Research Cen...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 10:38 AM
Hormone receptor status, tumor characteristics, and prognosis: a prospective cohort of breast cancer patients
Lisa K Dunnwald1, Mary Anne Rossing1,2 and Christopher I Li1,2 1 Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Box 356113,...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 11:05 AM
Breast cancer in premenopausal women: recurrence and survival rates and relationship to hormone replacement therapy
E. M. Duma, G. Z. Heller*, L. R. Leader, P. Sjoblom, J. A. Eden and B. G. Wren† School of Women’s and Children’s Health, Universit...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 11:08 AM
Bcl-2, survivin and variant CD44 v7—v10 are downregulated and p53 is upregulated in breast cancer cells by progesterone: Inhibition of cell growth and induction of apoptosis
B. Formby and T.S. Wiley. Sansum Medical Research Institute, Program in Molecular Oncology, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Received 17 J...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 11:31 AM
Breast cancer-epidemiology, risk factors, and genetics
K McPherson, C M Steel, J M Dixon K McPherson is professor of public health epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Me...
Fri, 9 Sep, 2016 at 12:36 PM
Geen toename van het aantal mammacarcinomen bij subcutaan estradiolgebruik
E. M. Davelaar, G. Gerretsen En J. Relyveld Ziekenhuis Leyenburg, afd. Gynaecologie, Leyweg 275, 2545 CH ’s-Gravenhage. ...
Fri, 16 Sep, 2016 at 10:19 AM
Mesenchyme-mediated Effect of Testosterone on Embryonic Mammary Epithelium [1]
Heidelinde Dürnberger, Barbara Heuberger, Peter Schwartz,2 Gertraud Wasner, and Klaus Kratochwil. Institut für Molekularbiologie d...
Fri, 16 Sep, 2016 at 10:41 AM