Breast Cancer & Hormones

Functional and structural analysis of R607Q and R608K androgen receptor substitutions associated with male breast cancer
Poujol N, Lobaccaro JM, Chiche L, Lumbroso S, Sultan C. Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale, INSERM U439, P...
Wed, 1 Feb, 2017 at 11:20 AM
Urinary steroids at time of surgery in postmenopausal women with breast cancer
Susan Juricskay,1 Istvan Szabo,2 and Karoly Kett2 1Central Research Laboratory, Medical University of Pecs, Honved u.1. H-7643 Pec...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 6:35 AM
Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone and other sex steroid hormones on mammary carcinogenesis by direct injection of 7, 12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA) in hyperprolactinemic female rats
Takafumi Kohama, Susumu Terada, Nobutaka Suzuki, and Masaki Inoue Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kanazawa University Sch...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 6:38 AM
Intrinsic Mechanism of Estradiol-Induced Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells Resistant to Estrogen Deprivation
Joan S. Lewis, Kathleen Meeke, Clodia Osipo, Eric A. Ross, Noman Kidawi, Tianyu Li, Eric Bell, Navdeep S. Chandel, V. Craig Jordan ...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 6:42 AM
Steroidstoffwechsel bei brustkrebs. II.
Kurt Schubert Über die Hauptausscheidungsprodukte des Testosteronstoffwechsels Androsteron und Ätiocho...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 6:50 AM
Androgen receptor as a target for the treatment of hormone receptor-negative breast cancer: an unchartered territory
Zeina Nahleh, M.D. Wayne State University, Karmanos Cancer Institute, 4100 John R, 4HWCRC Detroit, MI48201, USA. Tel...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 8:56 AM
Role of steroid sulfatase in local formation of estrogen in post-menopausal breast cancer patients*
Taisuke Nakataa,**, Shigemitsu Takashimab, Yukimasa Shiotsuc, ChikaraMurakatac, Hiroyuki Ishidac, Shiro Akinagad, Pui-Ki Lie, Hironobu Sasanof,...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 8:58 AM
NAMS prog BC vs progestin
1Leon Speroff, MD; 2Steven R. Goldstein, MD; 3Ruth Freeman, MD; 4Kurt T. Barnhart, MD, MSCE; 5Frederick Naftolin, MD, PhD; 6Veronica A. Ravnikar...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 8:59 AM
Estrogen replacement therapy in patients with early breast cancer
Puthugramam K. Natrajan, MD, and R. Don Gambrell, Jr, MD Augusta, Ga. From Reproductive Endocrinologists. ...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 9:01 AM
Testosterone Effects on the Breast: Implications for Testosterone Therapy for Women
WORALUK SOMBOONPORN AND SUSAN R. DAVIS The National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Clinical Research Excellence for...
Sat, 22 Oct, 2016 at 11:45 AM